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致力于插画家阿瑟·拉克姆、古斯塔夫多雷,威廉·莫里斯,奥布里·比尔兹利、埃德蒙·杜拉克、艾德丽安古尔、前拉斐尔派和其他。Dedicated to illustrators such as Arthur Rackham, Gustave Dore, William Morris, Aubrey Beardsley, Edmund Dulac, Adrienne Segur, the Pre-Raphaelites and others.内容提要:Fairy Tales are the myths we live by. Arguably, Art Passions is the oldest Fairy Tale Art website on the net. Art Passions began primarily as a tribute to artists and ......
信息名称: 艺术激情童话——童话与童话艺术
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